Dr. Sulayman Jallow (Right) and Dennis West (Left)

In April 2018, Dr. Jallow and Dennis headed out to Africa for their first 2 week trip to the Gambia.  This trip was the starting point for ECG.  Along with boxes of much needed medication, Dr Jallow and Dennis brought along a fundus camera,  a new ARK and a B-scan ultrasound, which were all  donated.  While Dr. Jallow was busy examining patients; Dennis was working with the tech staff, training them on the proper exam techniques with the ultrasound and OCT.  They were able to identify a group of patients that would benefit from intra-vitreous injections of medication.   They had brought enough medication to treat each patient with the follow up treatment for months to come. In addition Dr Jallow preformed a laser treatment with the instrument that the hospital had on site.

Eye Care Gambia (ECG) is an International Non-Governmental Organization, nonprofit.

The vision of ECG is to deliver excellent, and comprehensive quality eye care and ancillary services to the people of this African Nation at no cost.

ECG realized a need for additional help to deliver evidence base ophthalmic care where it was lacking from infants in arms to the eldest of patients.

ECG is looking to partner with the eye clinic in Kanifing which is already established.

Through our fundraising efforts, ECG’s intention is to grow clinics throughout the African nation.